
Hi, I am a casual Starcraft 2 Terran player in top 8 Masters, that watches the GSL, MLG, Dreamhack, IEM, and most big tourneys which feature top-tier Koreans. My Terran openings and builds are highly influenced by Korean players as I love watching their crisp play and sick timings. I believe opening build orders should be well-planned with tight timings for optimal supply. My favorite Terran players are currently KTFlash, ST_Bomber, IMMVP, and MVPKeen. I like to practice a handful of openings for each match-up over and over again so I can refine my play and timings and know the best responses to deal with and adapt to various situations. Here are my favorite Terran build orders. Here are some of my replays.

Friday, July 29, 2011

TvT: 1-1-1 Banshee Expand

Let's face it, 1-1-1 is a very common build, especially in TvT. This is a variant I use every Terran from SlayerS_Ryung to ZeNEX_Byun (see what I did there?). With good reason, it's a solid build that has few holes in it with a lot of advantages. On bigger maps I'd argue the gas first build is better, so knowing that version is also great if you play T. However, you don't get out the tech too much faster so, meh; it feels much safer having more Marines in the beginning.

10 supply
12 rax
13 gas
15 Marine (constant)
16 OC
16 supply
18/19 fac
21 gas
+ 1x Helion, port (when fac is done)
+ supply
+ tech lab (on fac once the Helion finishes)
+ switch port onto tech lab
+ 1x Banshee
+ CC

+ = get/do it ASAP

EXECUTION: This is a standard opener and you'll do all the normal things you'd do. You have to bungle it up pretty bad to auto-die in the early-mid game. Your first 4/5 Marines should be making their way towards the enemy base, clearing any watchtowers along the way, once your first Helion starts making. The idea here is to scout the front and possibly kill some marines. If they have a bunker, just back off (duh). Best case scenario, they were a bit too greedy and you end up killing a lot of marines. Either way, you're just thinning the marine numbers. If they went Marauders, run back to your base and build a bunker, then proceed to win or get way ahead with the incoming Banshee. Just make sure you watch and micro your Banshee(s). They not only serve to harass, but scout as well. If you suicide your Banshee into marines, you will hence be known as TheBestfOu.

IN GENERAL: Your first Banshee will scout and pressure your opponent while you expand and macro up back home. Unless the enemy got a really fast Viking or Stim, your Banshee will do damage. Depending on the situation, you may want to get another Banshee. For example if you spot an FE, with two Banshees you can harass BOTH of the other T's bases. If you spot he's going Banshees, get a Viking or a Raven! I don't usually opt to get cloak, it's a big investment and the Tanks Siege Mode comes out so much later that if he holds well and counter-attacks you might die.

Replay: http://www.gamereplays.org/starcraft2/replays.php?game=33&show=details&id=223644

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

TvP: 2rax FE

Although this has been a known build since beta, I recently saw ST_Bomber using a refined version, to great effect against players like oGsMC and Mana in the recent Dreamhack Summer 2011 event. I was surprised at how fast he got out so many units and how easily MC's 1gate FE was punished. I'm not sure how long it's been around, but this was the first time I had seen it and have been loving using it since.

10 supply
12 rax
14 gas
15 OC
15 Marine
16 rax
16 reactor (once Marine finishes)
17 supply
19 tech lab (once second rax finishes)
19 Concussive Shells
21 supply

* Reactor should finish just as your 2nd rax finishes

EXECUTION: The timings of this build are somewhat sensitive, so make sure you aren't distracted too much by the probe harass and retain crisp, clean, execution. You will have 5 marines and 1 marauder before 5 minutes with Concussive Shells about halfway done. This is a good time to move out and perhaps try to catch an overzealous Stalker or two off-guard, if the P is being overly aggressive early on with his Zeaot and Stalker, it's not a bad idea to hide the Marauder until Concussive is done. You can also opt to bring 1 or 2 SCVs to turn the pressure into a light bunker contain because he may have to retreat up his ramp. If you are able to contain the P, it is not a bad idea to pull back after your natural is up and running. Another thing to keep in mind is, if you don't know what he is doing, you must build a Missile Turret and one or two defensive bunkers back home. This accounts for DTs and proxy pylons.

IN GENERAL: This is a very solid build and I love that the main focus of this build is to safely get an expand up (ideally around 40-ish supply) while putting on a good deal of pressure. It excels against FE builds on open naturals because Protoss just won't have enough and will have to pull Probes to defend because (on small-mid sized maps) your attack will hit before Warpgate is done. However, it is not an all-in and should not kill a Protoss outright unless he is retardedly greedy, so make sure you expand behind this.

*Both updated 3/10/2012*
Replay 1: http://www.gamereplays.org/starcraft2/replays.php?game=33&show=details&id=257850
Replay 2: http://www.gamereplays.org/starcraft2/replays.php?game=33&show=details&id=257853

Friday, June 24, 2011

TvP: 1rax FE

A very solid opening used by many Terrans in TvP; to throw out a few names, IMMVP, PoltPrime, ST_Bomber. An economically focused build that relies on bunkers and early marines to stay alive. Past the initial rax, early CC is very flexible and there are variations to the build depending on the type of army you'll want in the mid game. This one focuses on bio where you eventually add in Medivacs. MKP loves doing a sick EMP Ghost timing attack with it. I dislike the 1rax with tech lab FE because you can hold off any stalker poking with marines anyways and you get the CC up faster. I don't think CC first is worth it and too risky.

10 supply
12 rax
15 OC
15 Marine
16 supply
18-20 CC
+ bunker
+ 2x rax
+ 2x gas

+ = get it ASAP
* bunker at the natural before or once you get two Marines

EXECUTION: It is pretty straightforward, keep up on your SCV and unit production so you benefit as much as you can from that extra CC. It is IMPORTANT to try and scout so you can respond properly or a scan; at the very least you will see his base and know if there is proxied tech. Things like 3gate contain, 4gate, DTs, Stargate, etc. can give you trouble depending on how well you react. If you scout the fast expo, you can relax as there won't be some insane attack coming. However, if they don't put down that expo you need to be very wary and throw down a bunker or two.

Eep.Here. We. Goooo!

IN GENERAL: This is followed up by tech lab and concussive and stim, order depending; though it is viable to hold off on those upgrades with good scouting/sense. Optimally, you want to do this build when the map has a natural with a choke or ramp (Shakuras, etc.) since it's much easier to defend than on maps like Metalopolis and Xel'Naga Caverns. Some variants add additional barracks and delay the gas, the difference is you will have more units earlier to pressure with, but at the cost of delayed tech.

*Added 4/29/2012*
Replay 1: http://www.gamereplays.org/starcraft2/replays.php?game=33&show=details&id=264098
Replay 2: http://drop.sc/167667

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

TvZ: 2rax *updated 8/18/2012*

This is one of the most common and basic opening builds for Terran popularized in the GSL2 by MarineKingPrime back when he was known as Foxer/Fake Boxer. This is a good build that has been used ever since because even if the Zerg knows it's coming it still has amazing potential to damage the Zerg's economy or at the very least pressure them into to making zerglings/spines. Particularly good against Zergs who choose to FE, this build can transition easily into an expand or simply more barracks if you want to attempt to outright kill the Zerg, however expanding is generally much safer.

This is the variation I have been doing:

10 supply
+11 rax
+12 rax
14 Marine
15 OC
15 supply
15 Marine
16 Marine

+ SCV production is cut for a few seconds
* Constant Marine production

EXECUTION: When to move out is entirely up to you, it can be done ASAP, but it is better to go in with 2-3 marines and 2+ SCVs, depending on the map. If you want to wall the ramp, you should start moving out with 1 Marine, or their natural expansion will finish and block the ramp with creep (assuming normal 15 hatch timing). It is IMPORTANT to rally your Barracks and watch your units, don't let drones or lings surround them and micro like a boss, even if you do not kill their natural you are not behind unless you lose every Marine without doing anything.

You will have map control until speedlings or Roaches are out. Just make sure you have a bunker and/or wall at your natural. A really sexy starting wall-off in TvZ that can be done on small ramps is walling off the bottom with your first rax and depot. This is in fact a full wall-off that denies early scouting and shuts down 6-pools. I don't know if it works on any of the current ladder maps anymore, but I used to use this on XN Caverns. (Doesn't work anymore)

IN GENERAL: This is a very strong and easy opener, still viable in the current meta, that you should absolutely know if you play Terran. The more economic version is the 12/14 rax; also good to know, but it comes out much slower. This aggressive 2rax works great on any map, though on 2-player maps I recommend proxying both raxes. If you do moderate damage to the Zerg, there is a good chance they'll try to B/ling/Roach busts or Nydus, so you must account for these no matter what, else you may let the opponent back in the game if you take too much damage.

Replay: http://www.gamereplays.org/starcraft2/replays.php?game=33&show=details&id=269799
Replay 2: http://www.gamereplays.org/starcraft2/replays.php?game=33&show=details&id=274092